Old men played chess for money at the train station.
Romania is not easy to get around in, but it is very picturesque in the countryside. We drove through the mountains that separate Transylvania from the rest of Romania.
Livestock in the road was not uncommon.
Driving in Romania is an experience. Stop signs are rare, and tailgating is the norm. If you are not willing to pass large vehicles on a two lane road, you may get stuck behind a tractor or slow truck.
Kat with haystack.
Horse drawn carts are not an abnormal sight.
Drive-by shooting. Often times there was not space to stop along the mountain switchbacks, so a high shutter speed is a must. Even then, level pictures are a struggle.
In Timisoara ("Tim-uh-shwaura"), we stopped by an animal fair.
You can get a puppy from the trunk of someone's car.