
I am currently living in Lexington, VA. This is a blog of my travels. Previous posts were of my visits to Europe and my work aboard a small cruise ship.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

St. Lawrence and Montreal

I feel that now is about as good a time as any to post the few pictures of I took of my previous trip to Montreal.

The locks on the St. Lawrence Seaway are more professional than those on the Erie Canal, and much much larger.

A tug and small barge join us in the lock with plenty of room to spare.

Getting the green light.

While in some areas, our ship is required to have a pilot on board. Here the pilot boat approaches.

We never even slow down.

Montreal has set up hundreds of bike rental stations. The bikes are heavy, sluggish, and slow to stop, but they are better than nothing.

Two 700+ foot great lakes cargo ships are for sale as scrap in the Port of Montreal. $1,000,000.00 each.

Like all good Olympic villages, the one in Montreal is far from downtown and mostly deserted.