
I am currently living in Lexington, VA. This is a blog of my travels. Previous posts were of my visits to Europe and my work aboard a small cruise ship.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Fog and Darkness

Current Location: Underway. En route to Portland, ME.

I think this might be a staged shot put up by the Bar Harbor Tourism Bureau: What kind of lobsterman leaves his dingy and pots on a dock for two days? I took the picture, so I guess that it works.

The first thing you learn about night photography is to use a tripod. The second thing you learn is not to shoot on a floating dock. Of the dozens I took, this was the only keeper.

My favorite fog shot.

Taken a few minutes ago. The picture doesn't really capture it, but we are traveling at 10 knots in less than 30 foot visibility with 5-7 foot swells.